Profane Woyane Thugs of London Should be Brought to Justice
It has been reported that on 12 and 13 October 2013 TPLF thugs instigated violence, harassed and attacked the refugee Christian community members at the Ethiopian London Debretsion Mariam Church. As a result of this profane action three peaceful Ethiopian refugees have been injured, vehicles were vandalized, and people who have been passing their time at the Marathon Restaurant have been intimidated by this criminal group. This incident has outraged the wider community members and want to collaborate with the police so as to protect the Ethiopian refugees and British Citizens of Ethiopian origin who have been persecuted by the same ethnic based minority group.
In its recent meeting EPUK (Partnership of Ethiopians in the UK) which has been established by political and Civic organisations stressed the importance of approaching the British Government for a serious inquiry regarding these violent actions against the legal refugee status holders and British citizens of Ethiopian origins. The wider Ethiopian community in London is also contemplating a formal investigation/inquiry on the fraudulent asylum seekers and refugees in the UK. These TPLF cadres who support and work for this criminal regime are abusing the system and endangering the security of the genuine asylum seekers and refugees in the UK.
Wands Worth Guardian reported that Police has arrested five people as the violence, which had begun on Saturday and escalated to all out attack on Sunday outside the Ethiopian Orthodox church at Battersea. It is believed by many that all the five arrested individuals are Tigres in their ethnicity.
For your further information please click Church Letter and read the letter which has been written to MPs by the Debretsion Ethiopian Church representatives.
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