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Notable People

This planet has given us some marvellous people who lived not only for them selves but also for others. Can we imagine where we are today? What we use and how our daily activities have been changed because of some notable people? For example can we imagine the p-resent world without an aeroplane, an electricity, cars machines and communication equipments? Can we also imagine how social changes and attitudes of most of us have been improved with the help and understanding of some humanists?

Of course all notable people may not be acceptable or appreciated by most of us. But directly or indirectly they contribute to positive changes and thinking in society. This is to imply that there are for sure things that we can learn and use for the benefit of mankind and our environment. We in Iwooket think that there are so many thousands of notable people on our planet and we have included very few of them. We will try to add more notable people from around the world. If you really think that we need to ad someone in this list please do not hesitate to contact us. The only thing you may need is some information with facts/evidence. Enjoy it.

Abrham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth President of the United States who led the country to victory during the American Civil War and contributed profoundly towards ending the widespread slavery in America. Read more ..


John F. Kennedy was the first American President to be born in the twentieth century. The former president has many firsts credited to him including the honor of becoming the first president to have won a Pulitzer Prize. He was the only practicing Roman Catholic to be President and charismatic president of the United States, Kennedy was also famous for bearing many similarities with Abraham Lincoln. His effective administration during the Cuban defense crisis, African civil rights and Vietnam War successfully thwart the outbreak of the Third World War making him the most popular and influential President in the America. He lead the U.S. for two years starting  from 1961 until 1963. He was assassinated during a political trip to Texas. Read more ..

Vladmir I Lenin

Vladimir Lenin was a Russian revolutionary and communist who led the famous October Revolution in Russia. Lenin was a driving force in overthrowing the Czarist autocracy and was de facto first leader of the Soviet Union. In 1902, Vladimir Lenin published a pamphlet, What Is To Be Done?, Following the 1917 revolution, the Bolshevik faction of the Social Democratic Labor Party, headed by Lenin emerged victorious and subsequently formed the government. While in power, Lenin howled against the oppression of peasants and workers and emerged as the strongest force against capitalism in the world. Read more ...

Ariel Sharon

Ariel Sharon is the former Prime Minister of Israel and a military leader. He is ranked among the most powerful leaders in the history of Israel, who succeeded in removing the Israeli soldiers from Gaza thus ending the long time tension between the two countries. He abandoned in the wake of the impeachments of war crimes following the Sabra and Shatila Massacre. He was the first Prime Minister who did not belong to either of the two political parties 'Labor' or 'Likud' that were dominating the Israeli politics for years. After falling out with his party members, Sharon founded and led a party 'Kadima' which is now a majority and the senior coalition partner in the Israeli Government. However, health problems have kept him out of politics in recent years particularly after he went into comma in 2006. Read more...

Joseph Stalin

Joseph Stalin was one of the greatest leaders of the former Soviet Union and General Secretary of the Communist party of the Soviet Union serving from 1922 until his death in 1953. While in power, Joseph crushed his contemporary prominent party leaders and opponents he gained popularity among the low-working class people for his socialist-economic policies. He introduced the concept of "Five-Year-Plan" in Soviet Union seeking a rapid industrialization and economic collectivization. Under his leadership, the country joined the ally forces against the Nazi Germany and played a decisive role that resulted in the defeat of Germany and a huge death toll in the Soviet Union. Read more...

Mao Zedong

Mao Zedong was the leader of the Communist Party of China who showed it the way to victory against the 'Kuomintang' in the Civil war of China. Appointed as the first chairman of the communist party of China, Mao took the helm to revive its stagnating economy and culture and extended his contribution by normalizing its relations with world's super powers. He led the People's Republic of China from its establishment in 1949 until his death in 1976 during which he laid the foundation for powerful nation through his effective reforms and many socio-cultural programs. Read more...

Haile Selassie I (Ge'ez:ኃይለ፡ ሥላሴ, "Power of the Trinity"[1]) (23 July 1892 – 27 August 1975), born Tafari Makonnen,[2] was Ethiopia's regent from 1916 to 1930 and Emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974. He was the heir to a dynasty that traced its origins to the 13th century, and from there back to King Solomon and Queen Makeda, Empress of Axum, known in the Abrahamic tradition as the Queen of Sheba. Haile Selassie is a defining figure in both Ethiopian and African history.[3][4]

Haile Selassie I was Ethiopia's 225th and last emperor, serving from 1930 until his overthrow by the Marxist dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam in 1974. The longtime ruler traced his line back to Menelik I, who was credited with being the child of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.

Reports initially circulated claiming that he had died of natural causes, but later evidence revealed that he had probably been strangled to death on the orders of the new government.

Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher was the first female prime minister of England, elected in 1979. She led England out of a recession, led a war in defense of the British Falkland Islands, and confronted unions and the influence of the then-Soviet Union, which earned her the nickname of "Iron Lady." Her stance on the European Union led to her eventual lack of party support and her resignation as prime minister in 1990.

Emperor Menelik II

Emperor Menelik II was the son of King Haile Melekot of Shewa who is the descendent of the Solomonic Dynasty, and Woizero Ijigayehu. King Haile Melekot was the son of the king of Shewa, King Sahle Selassie and his wife Bezabish. Woizero Ijigayehu never married King Haile Melekot, but King Sahle Selassie legitimized Menelik by giving his recognition to Menelik being his grandson, and Haile Melekot, upon becoming King recognized Menelik as his heir. The royal family of Shewa was decended from Abeto Yaqob, the son of the 16th century Emperor Libne Dingel, who fought with Ahmed Gragn.

 Sir Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill’s response to Hitler's challenge brought him to lead a national coalition in 1940, and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor altered his whole prospect of the war. He went at once to Washington, D.C., and with Roosevelt shaped the subsequently successful Allied strategy in WWII. After the breakdown of the alliance, he then alerted the West to the expansionist threat of the USSR




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Notable People

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